Customizing Windows Operating Systems

There are many ways you can customize Windows operating systems to make your computer more accessible.

The specific features available, and whether they are built-in or must be obtained separately, depend on which operating system you are using.

For full documentation on the accessibility features available in the operating system you are using, obtain the appropriate application notes listed below. Accessibility features are also documented in the Microsoft Windows 95 Resource Kit, the Microsoft Windows 98 Resource Kit, and the Microsoft Windows NT Resource Kit.

Accessibility notes and utilities to download

The following documents explain how to customize Windows operating systems for users with disabilities. Specific instructions for downloading the files immediately follow this list.

For this You need
Customizing Windows for Individuals with Disabilities (describes all of the other documents in this list and includes links to download them; this article will be updated when new versions of Microsoft operating systems are released) Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q165486.
Customizing Microsoft Windows 98 for individuals with disabilities Cst_W98.exe
Customizing Microsoft Windows 95 for individuals with disabilities Cst_W95.exe
Customizing Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 for individuals with disabilities Cst_NT4.exe
Customizing Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 and 3.5 for individuals with disabilities (includes Access Pack for Microsoft Windows NT, which provides features for people who have difficulty using a keyboard or mouse, or who are deaf or hard-of-hearing). Cst_NT3x.exe
Customizing Microsoft Windows 3.1 for individuals with disabilities Cst_W3x.exe
Customizing Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.1 for individuals with disabilities Cst_WG3x.exe
Customizing Microsoft Windows 3.0 for individuals with disabilities Cst_W30.exe
Access Pack for Microsoft Windows 3.0 and 3.1, which provides features for people who have difficulty using a keyboard or mouse, or who are deaf or hard-of-hearing ACCP.exe
Dvorak keyboard layouts for people who type with one hand (already included in Windows NT version 3.5 and 4.0) GA0650.exe

Downloading the files

If you have a modem or another type of network connection, you can download the accessibility files from the following network services: